Friday, March 7, 2014

How to Organize Spring Cleaning

Springtime is the traditional time to remove the winter blues from your home and make it ready for the long days of summer fun. It's also a good exercise in taking stock of your home and its contents. Just make sure that you share the work--and the credit for a job well done.


  1. Make a list of each room in the house that needs to be cleaned.
  2. In each room, breakdown the individual items that need to be cleaned with a bulleted list. For instance, a kitchen might include refrigerator/freezer cleanup, silver tarnish, cabinet organizing, etc. This way, you can tackle each room piecemeal.
  3. Do a double-check for items that exist independently of a specific room's list. For instance, filters in your air conditioning unit might be due for a change, or you gutters may be clogged with late winter's heavy rains.
  4. Farm out responsibilities to the members of your family. If you have young children, you might give them something small to do.
  5. Schedule a weekend for the spring cleaning. Make sure your family knows that this weekend is dedicated to cleaning.

Tips & Warnings
  • Use the weakest cleaner first, then graduate to stronger solutions when needed. This way you're least likely to harm surfaces with harsh, inappropriate cleaners.
  • Pop moist sponges in the microwave oven for 20 seconds to kill germs.
  • Spring cleaning is also a great time to change out your wardrobe. Wash and pack away winter clothes, and break out the short sleeves and beach towels.
  • Stock up on trash bags, boxes, cleaning supplies and rags.

(courtesy of eHow)

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